Hotel Zum Winzermännle

Rooms & price
Doppelzimmer mit Dusche und WC am Gang
Double room with WC and shower
Equipment: 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms: 2, Balcony: 3, Beds with foot-end open: 12, Double bed (two mattresses): 10, Hair dryer: 12, Non smoking room: 12, Room with connecting door: 3, Satellite TV: 12, Separate mattresses: 10, Single bed: 2, Telephone in the room: 12, Windows can be opened: 12, Windows with noise protection: 12 Sanitary: Additional lavatory: 3, Toilet, Toilet and shower: 11, Toilet and shower or bathtub: 1
Einzelzimmer mit Dusche und WC am Gang
Kleines Doppelzimmer
Single room with WC and shower
Equipment: Beds with foot-end open: 6, Extra long beds: 1, Non smoking room: 6, Queen-size bed: 1, Satellite TV: 6, TV: 6, Telephone in the room: 6, Windows with noise protection Sanitary: Toilet, Toilet and shower: 6 Location: Garden facing
Information service supplier
The hotel “Zum Winzermaennle” is a charming, family owned and operated city hotel with tradition right in the heart of the beautiful town of Wuerzburg. It is located right in the charming pedestrian zone of Wuerzburg, just steps away from all major attractions while still being well connected to the main station and the autobahn. You can reach it by car throughout the day! Parking spaces are available in the nearly situated parking house.Conditions/extras
Further information on the cancellation terms and general booking conditions of your hotel is available on
Arrival description
Sie können jederzeit das Hotel mit dem Auto anfahrenCheck-in and Check-out Conditions
Check-In 14-21 UhrCheck-out bis 11 Uhr
Facilities & information
Hotel garni
Baby cot
Breakfast room
Historical ambience
Electronic Cash
Pets allowed
Getting there

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